S4E5: "You Are Not God's Punchline" with Rhesa Higgins
S4E5: “You Are Not God’s Punchline” with Rhesa Higgins
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
PreacHer Podcast
PreacHer: Rhesa Higgins
Summary: Acts 12 is one of those stories that gets told time and time again, as the early church reminds themselves of what they knew to be true--the Kingdom of God will eventually prevail. But also, there’s this minor character who might actually be the hero in hiding. All of this has us asking ourselves: whose voice have we discounted, or silenced in proclaiming the good news that God is still in this resurrection business? When our chains fall off, will we choose to get up and believe the truth that God is resurrecting us and freeing us from a life of fear? How many times have we chosen to stay put instead of following the unexpected way out? God is at work among us. May we have eyes to see it, and feet to follow.
Resources + Social Media Handles:
- Rhesa on FB
- Rhesa on IG
- Eleven28 Ministries (Rhesa is the founding director)
- Eleven28 on FB
- All of Jen Hale Christy’s Links
What to do next:
Shouts of gratitude to our patron partners!
Sarah P, Lauren R, Mark F, Dave H, Steve G, Sheila B, Tom B