This podcast is designed around the reality that many of our churches are shrinking because we haven’t created a place where everyone can belong. So if you’re seeing that reality in your own church, or you’ve experienced that and left the church, this podcast is for you.
S4E7: “Car Wrecks and Interruptions” with Dr. Jen Hale Christy
Dr. Jen Hale Christy
Season 4
Episode 7
S4E7: “Car Wrecks and Interruptions” with Dr. Jen Hale Christy
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
PreacHer Podcast
PreacHer: Dr. Jen Hale Christy
Summary: The openness of our heart will dictate the openness of our hands. Our interruptibility will influence our willingness to notice, listen, serve, and participate in God’s ongoing work in the world. In this episode I share about a terrible car wreck and angels in a Tahoe, busyness and missing the things that matter.
Resources + Social Media Handles:
- All of Jen Hale Christy’s Links
What to do next:
Shouts of gratitude to our patron partners!
Sarah P, Lauren R, Mark F, Dave H, Steve G, Sheila B, Tom B