S4E6: “A Tale of Three Conversions” with Dr. Sara Barton
S4E6: “A Tale of Three Conversions” with Dr. Sara Barton
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
PreacHer Podcast
PreacHer: Dr. Sara Barton
Summary: When Luke constructed Acts 10 and 11, he very specifically decided to tell a story twice from two different perspectives, the narrator and Peter. The story is so central to Acts – and to the Gospel in the big picture - that it needed to be double-underlined for us. Think of it as a form of highlighting before highlighters existed. So, we pay double attention because Luke says we should, and the point is that God shows no favoritism. The goal of the blessing and call of Abram all the way back in Genesis 12 is coming to fruition as God's work in history blesses all people in all the world. The first Jesus followers had to figure out how to catch up with God’s purposes, so here we have an example of how that occurred. (A sermon preached at Camarillo Church of Christ)
Resources + Social Media Handles:
- Sara on Twitter
- Sara on IG
- https://www.pepperdine.edu/spiritual-life/blogcast/
- All of Jen Hale Christy’s Links
What to do next:
Shouts of gratitude to our patron partners!
Sarah P, Lauren R, Mark F, Dave H, Steve G, Sheila B, Tom B