
S5E5: “The God Who Sees” with Rachel Collins

Season 5 Episode 5
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00:00 | 44:39

S5E5: “The God Who Sees” with Rachel Collins

Wednesday, July 29, 2020
PreacHer Podcast
PreacHer: Rachel Collins

Summary: Who should be invited to sit at our table? This sermon explores the relationship between inclusive, diverse community, and God's name "El Roi" (the God who sees me). In order to create a thriving, diverse community, the church must be committed to seeing others and including them, much like God does throughout the Bible. We can feel equipped for this task by regularly reminding ourselves that God sees us and that God is delighted to include us at God's table.

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Shouts of gratitude to our patron partners!

Sarah P, Lauren R, Mark F, Dave H, Steve G, Sheila B, Tom B

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